Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chamberlain's Folly is now available from the Amazon-DE Kindle Store

I got a message from Amazon last week telling me that Amazon DTP was available now at Amazon-DE (Germany) and that any books I held international rights to would be appearing there soon. I visited my DTP Bookshelf this past weekend and saw that Chamberlain's Folly indeed had a link to its own product page at Amazon-DE.

Naturally, I was intrigued. My book has not been translated into German, as far as I know. I followed the link and took a look.

The Amazon web boiler-plating and action buttons were definitely in German, but my promo text was still in English. I guess I half expected it to be translated into German too, perhaps by computer, but it wasn't. I scratched my head.

It wasn't until I rolled to the bottom of the page and saw the message board links that I learned that there is a large demand for English-language books among the younger readers there. Most admitted in their posts that they were not as fluent in English as they would like to be and they were anxious to get their hands on English eBooks to supplement their English classes in school.

Oh. Okay. Sure. Glad that I am able to help out.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Were You Thinking?

This is a link to another blog I set up to allow me to talk about my thoughts and experiences while writing my books.

Please visit and let me know what you think.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chamberlain's Folly

I just published the first novel in my series The Terra Nova Chronicles. It's called Chamberlain's Folly.

When I was much younger, and not necessarily inclined to express myself with the written word - I really wanted to be a musician at that time - many of these characters were born. Of course, they were not nearly as complex as they are now. Just how complex could they have been coming from the imagination of a twenty-something wannabe metal-head?

Most were interesting, to say the least... Morning Grass was always feline, distrustful of humans and not quite female. (Those who have read the book will point you to Chapter Four...) But, originally, she looked much more like a tiger and was not a human-feline hybrid. She was an actual big cat that had been genetically modified to walk upright and was highly intelligent. Russo was meant to be a strong male character and would eventually have been the captain of the star ship that trundled himself, Morning Grass and a few other characters around the galaxy. I must admit, though, that the Historian, at that time, was only the italics at the beginning of each episode that set up the action. He was my "captain's log" or my "marquee crawler".

So. What happened between then and now to add enough dimensionality to each of these characters to make me dare to write about them? The easy answer would be, "Life."

I know for certain that my life at twenty wasn't nearly as interesting as I would like to think that it was. I had a guitar and played it quite well. I could have probably dated more than I did at that time, and probably might have had a few more adventures, if I had been open to them. The kindest thing that I can say about my teen and twenty-something self is that I was shallow. There was no way that I could have  given the world the Russo, Morning Grass, Teacher or Zheng that live inside the pages of Chamberlain's Folly.

By the way, I still play the guitar...

Chamberlain's Folly is available Here and Here for those of you in the US.
Chamberlain's Folly is available Here for those of you in the UK.